day 48 – phonophobia, the telephone aversion

It is always good to learn new things about yourself. And the summer has always been a time when I’ve learned a lot. While last year I learned more serious things like the strength of friendships I’ve been lucky enough to make (vips if you’re reading this I’m sending kisses your way), this year I…

day 37 – (nothing it’s just day 37)

I suppose I probably should have posted on graduation (27 days ago if we’re going to get technical). But I didn’t. I have a lot of regrets about my high school graduation. My first regret is wearing my hair up because it looked like a helmet in pictures. I regret not paying attention to my…

the 4 year rule of measuring your life

It feels like you’ve been in high school for your entire life. (I definitely have been). (post publishing edit: this is probably the most scatter brained, incomplete thing I’ve posted to date) But it’s only been 4 years, and 4 years (perspective makes a difference) is really not that long. Because you change and develop…

am I too young for an midlife crisis (I hope I don’t die at 36)

Lately I’ve been really preoccupied with what feels like an existential crisis. Now, ever since I was very young I have memories of instances during the day when I would be sort of taken-a-back by moments of existential realization and almost depersonalization (though that sounds a bit drastic.. but the same sort of detached feeling).…